3 – Get Around

📖 Key Points Check

  • Lets do some exercises on find your way around your computer at school.
  1.  You can open a File explorer
  2.  You have created at least two folders in your home drive- “Computer Science” and “Design Engineering”
  3.  You have created another folder inside the “Computer Science”  folder called “Year 7”

📖 Split the computer screen to make your life easier

  • For the activities follow, you will open at least two programs at the same time: the browser (Firefox or Chrome) where you can read this instruction and the File explorer window to access your home drive.
  • It would be very nice if you can have this bowser window and the File explorer window side by side so they don’t overlap.
  • To do this, you just drag one of the windows to one side of the screen and the click on the other window as shown in the following animation:
  • You can also hold down the Windows Key and press left or right on your arrow keys.

📝 Launch app(lication), software or program

  • App, program and software are the same thing. For example, the browser you are using now is a software, or app or a program. App is short for application.
  • At BGS, we are going to use many different programs, especially in “Computer Science” and “Design Engineering”.

📝 Try it – open a software or app or program from desktop

  • Most of those software can be found at your desktop. You can access your desktop:
    1. Using your keyboard: press Windows + D to quickly access your desktop.
    2. In File explorer, click on the Desktop in the left panel.